Dmitri Lozenko, P.Eng., PMP, Manager, Design

Dmitri Lozenko joined Crozier in 2021 as a senior designer in our land development team.  Now as a manager, he oversees all land development design in our Bradford office. Dmitri also leads and mentors Engineering Interns (EITs) and fellow engineers to produce quality drawings and reports, guiding his team to success.

Dmitri manages design and preparation of public and private infrastructure projects for residential subdivision and site plans, industrial and commercial developments, and public road improvements. He has also worked on projects ranging from conceptual preliminary design to detailed design, including residential, commercial and industrial site plans, residential subdivisions, and major road expansion projects. With an in-depth understanding of current Provincial and Municipal engineering standards, Dmitri’s solutions are effective and efficient.

With nearly 10 years of consulting engineering, Dmitri brings a diverse perspective to our clients.