Transportation Engineering

Crozier’s Transportation Services will guide a project from concept to concrete with the greatest certainty for our clients.

Roadway capacity is not being added at the rate it was twenty or more years ago.  Instead, the focus is on how development projects can be orientated away from single occupant vehicle use and will support walkable and bikeable communities and the investments being made in public transit.

Crozier will conduct an early evaluation of a development proposal from a transportation perspective to recommend modifications for pedestrian friendly design, and ensure safe site circulation and access, thereby saving costly design revisions down the road and reducing approval timelines.

Crozier focuses on transportation elements that bring real added value to a development project. A multi-modal Transportation Study that justifies commercial access to major roadways, or a Parking Utilization Study that allows for revenue generating GFA to replace lower value parking stalls are examples.

Our road design team will execute any recommendations for external improvements identified in the Transportation Study by undertaking the detailed design. Collaborating internally with various engineering teams (electrical, stormwater management, utility, construction), we can provide complete services to ensure approvals are obtained in a timely manner, whether a turn lane at site access or kilometres of road realignment with any necessary signals or roundabouts in between.

And if a project is bound for the Ontario Land Tribunal, our experts have provided testimony and participated in mediation for numerous residential, commercial, and industrial projects.

Crozier’s Transportation Engineering Services Include:

  • Multi-Modal Transportation Studies (RAQS approved for MTO submissions)
  • Ontario Land Tribunal Expert Witness Testimony
  • Parking Utilization and Justification Studies
  • Internal circulation / site layout assessment and Vehicle Maneuvering Diagrams
  • Transportation Demand Management Plans
  • Pedestrian and Bicycle Circulation Plans
  • Pavement Marking and Signage Plans
  • Conceptual and Detailed Road Design (RAQS approved for MTO submissions) including,
    • Traffic Management Plans
    • Intersection improvements (Signalization, AODA improvements)
    • Roundabout analysis and design
    • Road widenings
    • New road corridors