There’s a kid in all of us – and if we take a moment and slip back into those pint-size shoes, we’ll likely recall a helping hand or two giving us a boost.
Why not pay that forward and join us for Big Brothers Big Sister’s Bowl for Kid’s Sake fundraiser kicking off Friday, February 26th at Georgian Bowl in Collingwood?
Once again, Crozier & Associates is Title Sponsor and big fans of the annual event which runs through until March 11th in Collingwood, followed by March 22-23 in Meaford.
As one of the organization’s major fundraisers, it’s a much needed boost of support for their youth mentorship programs across the Georgian Triangle region.
And don’t fret your bowling style – it’s the smiles that score!
Sign up Today and make a big difference in a kid’s life.
For more on the event: watch Georgian Bay Life’s special segment on Rogers TV