White knees_green T's


Kevin leapIt was “Georgian Bay” cold, with the sun shining bold
as the Frozier team lined up on ice.
Soon revealing green T’s and winter white knees,
knowing they couldn’t think twice.

It was the Polar Bear Dip for diagnostic equip
and the Hospital needed their help.
Jesse leapSo they raced through the snow, with but one place to go…to the depths of the Bay with a yelp!

It was a day of true grit, with a slight push from Brit
who raised the stakes with her rallying call.
But colleagues brought to their knees with a dunk and flash freeze?
Green shirt line-upWell ….that was simply a treat for us all!


The Polar Bear Dip for the Collingwood General and Marine Hospital on March 29th raised over $20,000 for new diagnostic equipment. Frozier & Associates hit the Top Teams list with their donation of $1,590. A big bear hug to our frozen Frozier warriors….

Polar BearSingle_Chris CrozierSingle_Kevin MorrisSingle_Felix KwanBrendan HummelenSingle_Chris BoyceSingle_Kaile LaughtonSingle_Jon ProctorSingle_Stuart WestSingle-Thom MacDougallSingle_Alex FlemingSingle_Jesse Matchett

From left to right from the top: Captain Chris “Frozier” Crozier,
Assistant Captain Kevin “K-Mo” Morris, Felix “Turtle” Kwan, Brendan “Mannings” Hummelen, Chris “Jolly Jumper” Boyce, Kaile “Not Karin” Laughton, Jon “Doctor” Proctor, Stuart “S Rhode West”, Thom “McDipper” MacDougall, Alex “The Flem” Fleming, Jesse “Machete”Matchett.

Single_Brittany RobertsonWith special thanks to organizer and 2nd Assistant Captain – Brit (Never Quit) Robertson.

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