Westlinks Community and Municipal Pumping Station


An aerial view of a residential neighborhood with rows of modern houses along a curved street, adjacent to green open spaces, including a golf course, with construction activity in the distance.

Westlinks community in Saugeen Shores, Ontario. Civil Engineering and Utility Infrastructure by Crozier.

Westlinks is a golf course community in Port Elgin, within the municipality of Saugeen Shores, Ontario. The Crozier team worked with Rice Developments to secure Zoning By-Law Amendment and Draft Plan Approval. Our Construction Group continues to work with Rice through construction tendering, administration, and field review as construction continues on the 97-hectare, multi-use community attached to the reconfigured 12-hole golf course. Upon full build out, the Development will be approximately 800 units, including a mix of low and mid-rise buildings.

Crozier’s Land Development Team provided detailed engineering design for civil servicing and stormwater management, while our Utilities Infrastructure Group provided site electrical and street lighting design. In addition to engineering design for the community development project, Crozier designed a municipal pumping station as part of sanitary facilities.

Sanitary Pump Station

Westlinks’ Development is an extension of the Town’s built boundary, and as such, required extensions of the existing Town infrastructure to service the development. Due to the topography of the site and depth of the adjacent creek, a sanitary pumping station (SPS) was required on site, with a forcemain and watermain extension back to the municipal system.

To accommodate the phased buildout of the development in a cost-effective manner for the client and a more efficient operation of the municipal SPS, our team negotiated with the Town to allow for an interim forcemain connection to the Town’s gravity sewer system and a smaller pump configuration. Upon buildout of the subdivision, the forcemain will be extended approximately 2km to connect directly to the Town’s Wastewater Treatment Plant, and the interim forcemain will be decommissioned. The pump station was designed to be phased alongside the buildout of the development to accommodate both the interim and ultimate operating conditions to save on initial capital costs.

Upon notification that the County would simultaneously be reconstructing the Mill Creek Bridge, our team amended the existing forcemain and watermain design to allow for the installation of pre-insulated pipes on the bridge. On behalf of Rice Developments, our team worked with the County and their consultants to incorporate the servicing design into the scope of the bridge construction and facilitate the execution of a cost share agreement between the County and Rice Developments.

Throughout the phased construction of the Development, our Construction Services team was able to overcome obstacles associated with poor weather & soil conditions, maintaining access to and operation of the Golf Course, and coordinating the schedule of multiple contractors to successfully commission the Pump Station in the Winter of 2018, with house construction and occupancies following shortly after.



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