Eglinton Towers

eglinton towersEglinton Towers are a 12 storey family residence and 10 storey seniors’ residence, located at Creditview Road and Eglinton Avenue in Mississauga. This social housing project for seniors and families provides a good example of infill initiatives which are becoming increasingly prevalent in the GTA. Crozier & Associates provided engineering support for the project during the planning amendment and site plan approval process.

Unique challenges for this project included the required connections to the existing road, water, sanitary and storm services, while minimizing impact on the neighbouring cooperative housing complex. These services were routed around the perimeter of the underground parking garage to minimize penetration into the structure, and to accommodate size and space constraints. Stormwater management criteria were met using rooftop controls, incorporated into a “green roof” with a subsurface control below the onsite playground.

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