The Season of Giving is alive and well…

Despite the lack of snow it began feeling a lot like Christmas early this year at Crozier & Associates.

Following the annual sprouting of beards around the Collingwood and Milton offices for the Movember drive (ramped up this year by “Mo Sisters get Movin“), support went out to a list of community initiatives including a local Syrian Family sponsorship program through Elephant Thoughts in Collingwood; Home Horizon’s “Spirit of Collingwood” fund-raiser for mothers and children in need of shelter and support; and a clothing drive for men and youth in support of the Good Sheppard Ministries in Toronto. 

Milton food driveBy December staff were stacking up food donations and topped off the giving with proceeds from our Christmas Party raffle to present cheques to the food banks of the Salvation Army in Milton and the St. Vincent de Paul in Collingwood.

Thanks to all who organized and participated, it appears that the season of giving is alive and well even if it looks a lot like fall outdoors!





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