Crozier Raises $780 For Darling House for Kids

Following the success of our BBQ fundraiser in June, Crozier’s Milton office fired up the grill again last Friday to raise funds to support a local Milton charity, the Darling Home for Kids. Shannon Caskey and Nicole Walker from the Home came by to share in some delicious burgers, salads, and fresh fruit, and to tell our staff about how our donation will help improve the quality of life for children and families across Ontario.

While our minimum donation was $5 to participate in the BBQ, we were delighted by the generosity shown by our staff. In total, we raised a total of $780 for the Darling Home for Kids, which provides care for children with life-limiting or life-threatening illnesses. Out of their 12-bed facility in Milton, the Home offers therapeutic programs, hospice and respite services, and palliative care, supporting approximately 65 children a year.


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