Crozier is proud to help provide warmth to those in need. We recently teamed up with New Circles Community Services to donate clothing garments to their GLOW Clothing Bank.
New Circles is a not-for-profit that builds strong and caring communities by contributing necessities to those living in low-income. They provide clothing, employment skills, and settlement support to individuals across the GTA. New Circles strives to ensure that families struggling with poverty can meet their basic needs for adequate clothing, and they operate the largest clothing bank in Toronto, called GLOW (Gently Loved Outfits to Wear).
GLOW was designed to provide a retail shopping experience that preserves dignity for its shoppers and has over 15,000 visits annually. With the winter temperatures dropping, we customized our donations to include warm outerwear and clothing for men, women, and children. We hope these items will help #KeepTorontoWarm.
Did you know that just $30 could keep a single mom and her child warm for the winter? If you’re interested in donating or learning more about the New Circles community, visit: