We had such a wonderful time painting bowls to help support Home Horizon’s 13th Annual Bowls for Beds event.
Bowls for Beds is an annual fundraiser that brings the Collingwood community together with art, while raising awareness about youth homelessness in the Southern Georgian Bay area. Over the last several weeks, elementary school children and community members have been busy painting bowls which will be added to an online auction. On June 13th the Bowls for Beds online auction will kick-off, and will showcase these one-of-a-kind, hand-painted bowls. We can’t wait to see the artistic talent of some of our amazing local artists!
For more details about how you can purchase a bowl to support Home Horizon, visit: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/bowls-for-beds-purchase-a-hand-painted-bowl-by-local-school-children-tickets-338191177917