Collingate Mews Condominiums

Crozier & Associates was retained by the Collingate Mews Condominiums in 2010 to address surface drainage issues and aging servicing infrastructure systems. The common element corridor for the condo corporation’s 31 units was composed of an aging road and infrastructure network with asphalt spalling and road settlement, frequent sanitary system backups, water service disruptions in the winter months, and inadequate street lighting.

In order to meet the Board’s reserve fund planning and capital costing budgets, Crozier prepared and implemented a two-phased approach to the project.

Phase 1 consisted of a detailed servicing condition assessment including the estimation of remaining service lifespan. The remedial infrastructure “shopping list” presented in our report provided the Board with remedial options and associated construction costs.

Following the selection of a remedial plan by the Board, Crozier prepared the detailed design and construction tender. The Crozier team also assumed contract administration and construction review roles for the project, which was completed and certified to the Board’s schedule and budget.

Read more about our Building Science Engineering services here.

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