Lace up for Big Brothers Big Sisters Bowl for Kids Sake

For the 3rd year running, Crozier & Associates is proud to be the title sponsor of Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Georgian Triangle Bowl for Kids Sake, which brings together volunteers, families, co-workers, and friends, and stresses the importance of mentorship & support for children & youth in the Georgian Triangle. It also raises a TON of money for this local not for profit organization.  We’ve always had strong participation from staff, families and friends, but we’re hoping to reach new heights this year!! 

Team Crozier, a.k.a. THE BOWLING STONES, will help kick off the Bowl for Kids campaign on February 10th, 2017.  This year, there’s an added component of Wii bowling in advance of our bowling night … to get our game on!

Visit our team page to help us to reach our fundraising goal of $4,000.   And, we’re issuing a challenge to other Collingwood Engineering firms to raise their team and fight to the fundraising finish!

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