Over 100,000 New Engineers Needed in Canada over Next Decade

The future of engineering in Canada is bright according to a report by Engineers Canada in partnership with the Centre for Spatial Economics. The study identifies a need for over 100,000 new engineers to replace those who will be retiring over the next decade and to meet the demands of an expanding economy.

Initiatives on a number of fronts will help fill the numbers. These include finding new recruits in engineering’s “under-represented” groups, women and aboriginal Canadians; and the role of universities in training and granting degrees to an increasing number of Canadian and international students.

Of critical importance, is bridging the skills gap between new entrants and retiring professionals, which the CEO of Engineers Canada notes, is of particular relevance to civil, mechanical, electrical/ electronic and computer engineers. He cites inter-provincial mobility, inclusion of diverse engineers and experienced internationally trained graduates as playing a role in addressing this need.

The report, Engineering Labour Market in Canada: Projections to 2025 includes supply and demand forecasts for engineering services by province and characterizes current supply and demand needs for engineers and projects through to the year 2025.

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