Mold-Masters Sportsplex Expansion

The expansion of the Mold Master Arena complex completed a three phase expansion of one of the largest recreational complexes in Halton Hills. This final phase involved the design and construction of a 75,000 square foot expansion of the existing twin pad arena in the community of Georgetown. Crozier & Associates, as part of the MacLennan Jaunkalns Miller Architects’ team, provided civil site services engineering for the expansion of the arena and community centre including site grading and storm water management for the project.

The stormwater management design featured traditional post- to pre- controls for all run off discharging to a municipal drainage system. To augment the water controls and as part of our sustainable stormwater design controls, we implemented a series of Low Impact Development techniques (LIDs) and Best Management Practices (BMPs) including the use of enhanced grass swales and infiltration galleries. Over 740 sq.m. of infiltration galleries were installed around catch basins in the parking area and were comprised of permeable pavers bio-filter material and partially grassed surfaces. These areas are easy to maintain and provide a visually pleasing “green island” in the large expanse of asphalt required for parking and allow the infiltration of water post development to match pre development conditions.

For water quality we designed a conventional Oil Grit Separator unit along with a 40m long grassed low flow bio swale channel to provide additional water quality polishing.

The stormwater management quantity and quality controls met the LEED standard and helped secure LEED Silver Certification.  The existing facility remained open during construction with limited disruption to public traffic and minimal impact on existing roads, parking lots and landscaping.

View more projects like this: Acton Arena & Community Centre, Bradford Community Centre.

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