Grant for Stormwater Management Research awarded to Wilfrid Laurier University in partnership with Crozier & Associates

We are pleased to announce that the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) has awarded an Engage Grant to the research partnership between Wilfrid Laurier University and Crozier Consulting Engineers.

The grant allows us to carry out a review of the water quality treatment performance of existing stormwater management facilities across the Greater Golden Horseshoe to identify treatment optimization opportunities. We will study the hydraulics and contribution of vegetation within existing SWM facilities to examine how the vegetation in existing stormwater management facilities contributes to achieving the provincial water quality objectives. Based on the study results, we will develop design recommendations for existing and future stormwater management facilities.

While the nature of this research falls outside of our typical engineering scope, it will ultimately improve the quality and value of our work. Continuing education, Best Management Practices, and innovation are all key principles within Crozier & Associates’ company processes and practices, which is why this research partnership with Laurier is such a great fit for the company.

“We are very grateful to NSERC for this grant supporting our partnership with Wilfrid Laurier University. I’m looking forward to integrating these research results into our stormwater management facility designs and sharing these improvements with the engineering community.”
-Nick Mocan, M.Sc., P.Eng., Associate

Dr. Kevin Stevens, a wetland plant ecologist and Associate Professor in the Department of Biology, is our research partner from Wilfrid Laurier University. His research focuses on examining the effects of human stressors on wetland vegetation and the capacity of wetland plants to mediate the effects of urban development and global climate change.

Given the ongoing land development and intensification pressures being faced in the Greater Golden Horseshoe, we hope the results of this study will benefit both retrofits of existing stormwater management facilities as well as our future designs.

For more information on this research project, please contact Nick Mocan from Crozier at 905-875-0026 or at [email protected].

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